How to Write an Effective Press Release

John Coulman  /  October 11, 2023 13:10 EDT

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash


The Public Relations, press release, and dissemination world is fast-paced and continuously changing. 

A well-written and thought-out press release can be a powerful tool to get your message to the public.

Whether you're announcing a product launch, a company milestone, or an event, a properly written press release can grab the attention of journalists, bloggers, and influencers, increasing the likelihood of your news being picked up.

Knowledge is power; knowing how to write and send a press release to the media can save you thousands of dollars, significantly saving a smaller business money.

Here are a few tips to help you get started.


What is your Competition Writing About?
A great way to attain ideas on what to write about and the format of a press release is to look at what your competition is writing about. Try placing the company name within quotes at

Understand the Purpose, Your Audience, and Put Yourself in the Shoes of the Media.
Before writing your press release, it's critical to clearly understand why you are writing the press release to begin with and who your target audience is. Determine the key message you want to convey and the action you want readers to take after reading it.

Your Headline is the Most Important Element
The headline is the first thing a reader will see, so it needs to grab their attention and be informative without being misleading. It should summarize the main point of your press release concisely and engagingly.

Crafting a Strong Lead Paragraph
The lead paragraph should concisely summarize the message you are conveying to the reader. We cannot stress how busy Journalists are, so answer the five W's (who, what, when, where, why.)

Further Details & Information in the Body
The body of your press release is for further details on the key points you mentioned in the lead paragraph. Use clear, concise language and avoid jargon or technical terms. Remember, not everyone is an expert in your industry, and you do not want to cause any confusion that may stop a reader from continuing to read your story. Including statistics, facts, or quotes (providing you have the source) can be very valuable and will back up your story.


Incorporate Quotes
Including quotes from stakeholders like company executives or SMEs can provide credibility and a human touch to your press release. Any quotations added should be adding value to the press release. 

End with a Strong Closing Paragraph
Summarize the main points of your press release in the closing paragraph. End with a compelling statement or call to action encouraging the reader to take the next step.

About Your Company
The About section can include background information about your company, including what industry you support, how long you have been in business, and why you are an industry expert. You can further include relevant statistics or any unique selling points.

Include Your Contact Information
If you are not available within regular business hours, include the hours you are available with your complete contact information, including your name, email address & phone number. Give your contact information a heading, like "Media Contact" or "Spokesperson."

Use Proper Formatting
A well-organized press release is more likely to be read and picked up by journalists. Use a standard font with clear headings, and make sure your contact information is easy to find.

Don't Forget to Proofread and Edit
Typos and grammatical errors can undermine the credibility of your press release. Before sending it out, proofread it carefully or consider having someone else review it.

Targeting Local Media is More Effective
If you are a local business or organization, you will see more success reaching out to your local media than national media. Local media are much more receptive to stories mentioning those in the local community. PR Karma sees this all the time.

Make Key Information Available in a Business Newsroom
The media look for specific pieces of information to make their job easier for writing a story. The information they seek includes press kits, high-resolution images, the history of your business, milestones, bios of principals available, and more. This readily available information makes research easier for the media and, in turn, more likely they would want to do a story with you. All the information mentioned resides inside a 'newsroom.'

Effective Distribution
If your goal is to attract actual journalists to write about your organization, you will need to consider your audience for distribution. As mentioned, targeting a local audience is much more effective than a national 'general' blast. You are more likely to gain success getting a story written by hitting a half dozen local media outlets over thousands of national outlets, mainly if you are a smaller, local business. Selecting a press release distribution service that can send your news to specific local media holds much more value.

About PR Karma
PR Karma is a self-managed public relations platform that makes sending press releases to journalists within your region easy and affordable. We also include a full blown newsroom to make it easier for the media to get the information they need to write a story.

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