Writing Services:
Writing Services
If you are having trouble putting pen to paper, whether it is because you are not familiar with how to write a news release, or just don’t have the time, we can help.
We work with a small, dedicated team at TheTinyAgency.ca. They are experienced communications professionals who can provide the assistance you need. They provide a range of solutions:
- proof-reading
- editing
- research
- writing services
They work to your deadline. They will provide a first draft on time, when you need it; and work with you through as many revisions as required, until it is right.
The final product will be a release tailored to work in the PR Karma platform. In addition to the Headline, News Body, and standard Boilerplate info, it will include suggestions for the Key Takeaways, the Call to Action and the Elevator Pitch.

TheTinyAgency.ca are content creation professionals. They write. They draw. They take photos. They design social media posts.
They are a small business that have a unique blend of creative and business experience. The two principals began their careers as creative professionals in the film and television industries, before transitioning to corporate world. One partner was responsible for all the communications for a large North American manufacturer – including marketing, social media and news releases. The other half of the team spent over 15 years working for the world’s largest news release distribution company in charge of operations and production. He managed a team of editors that distributed over 250,000 news releases a year.
TheTinyAgency.ca can write your press release or provide ongoing strategic collaboration to help you develop effective communication strategies for your business.
They understand the constraints all small businesses work within. They create one-of-a-kind content that works within your budget - in the news, on social media, on your website.
ContactPlease contact TheTinyAgency.ca to discuss your writing needs: https://thetinyagency.ca/contact